Santa Barbara DePuy ASR Hip Implant Failure Attorneys
Victim of DePuy ASR Hip Implant Failure in Santa Barbara?
Arthritis is a very common ailment, especially among older adults, that causes inflammation in the joints. This subsequently can cause pain, discomfort, and even immobility. For many arthritis-afflicted adults, joint replacement surgery is their best option. The implantation of an artificial joint can relieve the inflammation and the pain, making it much easier and much more comfortable to move around.

One of the most commonly replaced joints is the hip. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, almost 750,000 patients with advanced painful arthritis undergo a total hip replacement every year in the U.S. These patients trust and expect that the surgery will improve their quality of life. Unfortunately, many hip replacement patients suffer from complications as the result of poorly designed, defectively manufactured, inadequately tested, and even improperly implanted hip replacement devices. One such device is the DePuy metal-on-metal artificial hip implant.
DePuy ASR XL Acetabular System Recall
In 2005, DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. (Johnson & Johnson) introduced their ASR XL Acetabular hip implant system in the United States. Unlike hip implants of the past which consisted of a metal ball inserted into a plastic cup, this system was a new metal-on-metal design. DePuy constructed the ASR by retrofitting a metal alloy cup from the ASR Hip Resurfacing System onto a standard hip implant. The ASR system did not undergo clinical trials and was widely used since its introduction to the U.S. market in 2005.
The DePuy ASR XL Hip Recall
In 2010, the National Joint Registry (NJR) of England and Wales released new data showing a five-year revision (replacement) rate of about 13 percent for the ASR XL Acetabular System and 12 percent for the ASR Hip Resurfacing System. Furthermore, according to a report presented at the British Hip Society Annual Conference, 21 percent of DePuy artificial hips had to be revised within four years after the initial implantation. By six years, 49 percent had to be replaced. This information prompted DePuy to voluntarily recall their ASR total hip system on August 24, 2010.
DePuy Hip Implant Complications
The ultimate failure of the DePuy hip implant has been attributed to the erosion of the metal in the articular surfaces, which subsequently causes migration of metallic particles into the bloodstream and surrounding tissues. This failure has caused a number of complications for patients, including:
- Complete hip system failure;
- Loosening of the hip implant;
- Exorbitant levels of hip pain and/or discomfort;
- Swelling;
- Joint weakness;
- Tumors around the implant;
- Increased risk of blood clots; and
- Heavy metal poisoning.
Obtaining the Compensation You Deserve
Hip replacement surgery requires long-term recovery and rehabilitation. Going back in for surgery again after the hip implant fails is not only discouraging, it is also physically, emotionally, and financially taxing. The surgery itself is an invasive process and then the recovery and rehabilitation period must follow. If you have suffered pain or injury as the result of DePuy hip implant failure or complications, you have the right to hold the company liable for the losses and damages you’ve experienced as the result of their negligent manufacturing and/or inadequate testing.
At NordstrandBlack PC, our experienced hip implant failure attorneys are dedicated to obtaining maximum compensation for each and every client. To learn more about your legal rights and options, contact one of our Santa Barbara personal injury lawyers today at (866) 298-2041.