Nine Year Old Boy Struck and Killed on Bike
Nine year old Nicholas Vela Mortley was killed Thursday afternoon after being struck by a raised pick up truck while riding his bike home from school in Anaheim, the Orange County Register reports. The driver, who was stopped at a stop sign when Nicholas started to cross in front of him, never saw Nicholas or his red bicycle as he proceeded through the intersection of Orangewood Avenue and Loara Street after completing the stop.
Sergeant Rick Martinez of the Anaheim Police Department explained the incident, stating “The height of the truck may have obscured his [the driver’s] vision. The child may have assumed that since the truck was stopped it would have remained stopped.” Although the driver has not been cited by the Anaheim Police Department, some question whether the truck exceeded legal height limits. If so, the driver could potentially receive a citation or violation.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a bicycle to car accident, please call experienced personal injury and wrongful death attorneys today to learn about your legal right to compensation.
Wrong Way Driver Causes Deadly Crash in Anaheim
An unidentified woman who was traveling the wrong way on an Anaheim freeway struck another vehicle early this morning, the Orange County Register reports. The driver and front-seat passenger of the other vehicle were killed. Two back-seat passengers, who have been identified as minors, were hospitalized with serious injuries.
The crash occurred at about 3 a.m. this morning when the suspected drunken driver was traveling westbound in the eastbound FasTrack lane of the 91 freeway near the 55 freeway.
In 2007 alone, there were 3,669 injuries and 106 fatalities due to drunken driving accidents in Los Angeles County according to the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System. If, after investigation, police determine that the woman who caused this accident was driving while intoxicated, she can be held both criminally and civilly responsible for her negligence.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a drunken driving accident, please contact an experienced personal injury attorney who has your best interest in mind and will help you recover damages from the accident. We firmly believe that drunk drivers should be held liable for their actions and will fight to ensure this until you are fully compensated.
Anaheim Bicyclist Struck by Semi-Truck
An unidentified Anaheim biker was struck and pinned underneath the front bumper of a semi-truck early this morning, the Orange County Register reports.
The incident occurred at Kraemer Boulevard and the 91 freeway off-ramp, according to police. As the bicyclist approached the eastbound off-ramp of the 91 freeway, the semi-truck turned right onto Kraemer, striking the biker. The biker was taken to UCI Medical Center after suffering serious injuries.
The incident occurred just one day after a trial began in the Huntington Beach case of a 14 year old boy who was struck and killed by a motorist while riding his bicycle. In this case, the defendant faces felony charges of vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence while intoxicated and driving under the influence and causing bodily injury. The defense counsel has argued that the defendant suffered a seizure at the time of the accident and could not control his vehicle as it struck the young bicyclist.
In 2007, there were 124 bikers killed and 10,590 bikers injured in collisions in California, according to the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System.
If you or a loved one has been a victim of a vehicle to bicycle accident, veteran personal injury attorneys can help you recover compensation for you medical bills as well as pain and suffering. We understand the trauma and difficulty of going through a bicycle accident, and will provide the kind of experience and resources that make a difference.