Getting Treatment With Delta Fears

One of the greatest fears underlying the COVID-19 pandemic has been that the healthcare system would be overwhelmed with the sheer numbers of patients, and others needing care would have to be turned away. Now that the Delta variant is surging in California and other areas of the country, some hospitals have been forced to ration care. Despite the crowding in hospitals the pandemic has caused, you can still receive treatment if you have been injured in an accident.
Treating Injuries During COVID-19

Before our country was hit by the pandemic all those months ago, the only real stress that came with visiting the doctor was taking time off from work. These days, however, people have to decide between checking on their health and running the risk of catching COVID-19. While doctors’ offices and emergency rooms are doing their best to keep their areas sanitized and clean, there is always the risk that a COVID positive person had recently visited, leaving you in a risky position. So, how can people safely seek medical help in this age of COVID-19, especially following a serious accident?