A seventeen-year-old high school student, who caused a car accident that killed his friend while driving under the influence of alcohol, has pled guilty to gross vehicular manslaughter, the San Diego Tribune reports.
The youth, who was not identified, was traveling at speeds of up to 79 mph in a 45 mph zone when the crash occurred. His blood alcohol content was 0.11; the legal limit for adults over the age of 21 is .08.
Adults who plead guilty to gross vehicular manslaughter are normally sentenced to 12 years of jail time. Because he is a youth, he will most likely receive less than 12 years of custody, if any jail time at all.
According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), drivers aged 15 to 20 have nearly 20 more fatal crashes than any other age group. Additionally, drunk driving traffic crashes have costs an estimated $19 billion dollars in the United States.
If someone you or someone you know has been the victim of a drunk driving accident, please call an experienced and compassionate attorney who will explain your options and fight to recover compensation.