A woman was killed this Labor Day weekend when she ran a stop sign while allegedly talking on her cell phone. She was hit head-on by a truck that had the right of way, ripping her car into two pieces. No one in the truck was hurt.
In 2007, there were 3,557 fatal accident collisions, according to the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System. Cell phone usage is often cited as one of the contributing factors to car accidents that result in serious property damage or personal injury. Besides avoiding cell phone use, there are several other simple steps you can take to prevent car accidents according to, such as avoiding tailgating on the freeway, knowing your blind spots, and checking both ways twice before entering an intersection.
Sometimes even the most cautious and conscientious drivers are involved in accidents due to the negligent actions of others. If you or someone you know was injured in a car accident and you think another party may be responsible, Law Office of Renee J. Nordstrand can help. With our decades of experience, we aggressively pursue fair compensation for victims of negligent driving.