The family of a 27-year-old Santa Barbara woman who was hit and killed by a drunk driver while crossing the street says they will file a wrongful death claim with the House of Representatives.
The family contends that the driver, who was working as a congressional aide for Rep. Lois Capps (D-Santa Barbara) at the time of the accident, was on official business when he attended a holiday party, became intoxicated, and allegedly slammed into the victim while driving home.
He allegedly did not stop at the scene of the fatal accident at the 500 block of Anacapa Street and was only arrested after he crashed into a tree on Cabrillo Boulevard a few blocks away.
The family alleges that the aide had attended the holiday party at the Savoy as part of his job representing Rep. Capps. To file a claim with the House, a plaintiff must be able to show proof that a federal employee was acting in the scope of his or her official duties and that the employee acted negligently when the alleged damage or injury occurred.
The claim will be sent to House Speaker John Boehner. Federal attorneys have six months to mull over the claim and either accept or reject it. If they reject it, the family says they will file a lawsuit against the government.
Alcohol and Driving
While the number of alcohol-impaired driving fatalities has gone down in California over the years, driving while under the influence continues to be a major problem. In 2011, 774 deaths were attributed to alcohol-impaired drivers in California. Nationally, more than 1.2 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
Every day in America, 26 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes. Every 90 seconds a person is injured in a drunk driving crash.
The attorneys at the Law Offices of Reneé J. Nordstrand urge everybody to think before driving home — especially after attending holiday parties and gatherings. Please have a healthy and joyous holiday season.