Dana Point Girl In Critical Condition Following Hit and Run Incident
Seven-year-old Tabatha Cope remains in critical condition today after she was struck by a hit and run driver while skateboarding with friends on Monday evening, the Orange County Register reports.
Tabatha, of Dana Point, was playing in a group of fifteen to twenty children on Silver Lantern Street and La Paz Avenue at approximately 6:30 pm on Monday, when she was struck by a light-colored raised pick up truck. The truck’s driver did not stop following the collision and has not contacted authorities.
Tabatha sustained serious injuries in the incident, including a broken collarbone, broken ribs, the loss of most of her teeth, and a lacerated liver. Tabatha’s father, Joseph Cope, urged the hit and run driver to come forward.
Our thoughts and best wishes are with this Tabatha as she recovers from her injuries.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a hit and run driver, please contact experienced accident attorneys today to learn about your legal rights to monetary compensation for medical expenses, lost earnings, and future care and treatment. At the Law Office of Renee J. Nordstrand, you pay no attorney fees until we win your case.
Fatal Car Accident on the 22
A tragic car accident in Orange killed 30-year-old Lorena Mancinas Wednesday, the Orange County Register reports.
According to the news article, Mancinas was driving westbound on the 22 at around 4:20 p.m., when another car, driven by Young Woo Lee, 26, switched into Mancinas’ lane and clipped her right rear wheel, causing Mancinas’ vehicle to spin off the roadway and go over the guardrail. Mancinas was pronounced dead at the scene.
I extend my deepest condolences to the families of all parties involved in this terrible accident.
The Fatality Analysis Reporting System Encyclopedia reports that in 2008 alone there were 34,017 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the United States. Of these crashes, 18.9% occurred in areas where the speed limit was 60 M.P.H. or higher, as it is on the 22 highway.
If you’ve lost a loved one due to a car accident, and you believe someone else is responsible for causing the crash, please contact experienced car accident attorneys today to determine your legal options. At Law Office of Renee J. Nordstrand, our attorneys have decades of experience in handling personal injury and wrongful death claims that arise from car accidents, and we will fight aggressively to pursue fair and just compensation for accident victims and their families.
Orange County Wrongful Death Trial Underway
The trial in a complicated case involving botox injections, cerebral, palsy, and a tragic death of a seven-year-old girl is underway in Orange County, the Los Angeles Times reports.
Dee Spears, whose young daughter, Kristen, received Botox injections to calm leg spasms that resulted from cerebral palsy, is suing Botox manufacturer Allergan Inc. Spears alleges that the company knew that one of the drug’s components, botulinum toxin, could cause “potentially life-threatening swallowing and breathing difficulties and even death”, yet encouraged pediatricians to use the drug in treating cerebral palsy patients. Kristen died in November 2007 of breathing and swallowing difficulties and pneumonia that developed rapidly after she began receiving botox treatments in June of 2006. Spears says Kristen’s health was stable before that time.
Kristen’s own doctor, Rolf Habersang, M.D., was trained by Allergan at a Texas seminar to use Botox to treat patients like Kristen. Dr. Habersang testified that he was taught at the seminar to dose children with 15 units of Botox per kilogram of body weight. According to an Allergan executive’s testimony, that dosage amount is nearly two times the amount of Botox that is safe to use in treating children, however Allergan never shared that information with physicians.
Court documents reveal that in 2005, a year before Kristen began Botox treatments, Allergan reported 38 patients who had suffered seizures following Botox injections to the Federal Drug Administration, including nearly 20 children with cerebral palsy.
As the trial continues to unfold, Ms. Spears will seek to prove Allergan’s negligence in the wrongful death of her young daughter.
If a loved one has been the victim of a wrongful death situation, please contact compassionate and understanding wrongful death attorneys who will aggressively fight to bring your case to justice. All initial consultations are free, and you won’t pay attorney fees until we win your case.
Marine Sentenced in Drunken Driving Accident
Former Marine Elijah Ferguson was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison on Friday for causing a car accident that killed Dr. Michael Sein and severely injured his wife, Grace Sein, the Orange County Register reports.
Ferguson rear-ended the Sein’s stopped vehicle at 75 miles per hour on February 22, 2008 in Orange County. Toxicology reports indicated that Ferguson’s blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit at the time of the collision. Ferguson, a Marine at the time who has since been discharged, had been playing drinking games with fellow Marines shortly before driving. His friends attempted to hide his keys to prevent him from driving, however Ferguson ordered a lower-ranking Marine to return his keys so that he could visit his wife and baby.
This terrible incident clearly illustrates how many lives a single drunken driving accident can affect, as both families involved continue to grieve. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a drunken driver, you need clear answers and aggressive representation to ensure fair compensation for medical bills and pain and suffering. Please contact personal injury and wrongful death attorneys today to learn more about your legal options.
Metrolink Officials Partner with Law Enforcement to Cut Down on Pedestrian and Motorist Traffic Violations on Train Tracks
Metrolink teamed up with several Orange County Law Enforcement organizations this morning to conduct a widespread traffic citation sweep as part of the California Operation Lifesaver Program, the Orange County Register reports.
Operation Lifesaver is a national non-profit program with individual chapters in many states whose goals are education, enforcement and engineering of California’s rail-crossing stops, according to the California Operation Lifesaver website. The program often gives presentations to school groups and emergency responder organizations in addition to aiding law enforcement in conducting traffic sweeps. In this morning’s sweep, 233 citations were issued and six people were arrested for violating rail-crossing laws.
One of the most common ways that pedestrians break the law and put themselves at risk is by crossing train tracks as a short cut. This is especially dangerous because trains cannot stop quickly, and the noise emitted from a train is often heard to the side of the train tracks, not to the front. Motorists too are at risk, when they try to beat the flashing lights that signal an approaching train.
The problem of pedestrian-train and motorist-train collisions can be reduced by taking the safety precautions (and following the law) that Operation Lifesaver and Orange County law enforcement promoted today by their sweep. Please protect yourself and your loved ones by avoiding the use of train tracks as a short cut on foot and by stopping behind the flashing rail crossing lights as soon as they start to flash when driving.
Sometimes safe, law-abiding pedestrians and motorists still find themselves the victims of serious train accidents. Train accidents have a higher likelihood of resulting in serious injuries than car accidents due to their sheer size and weight. If you or someone you know has been injured in a train accident and believe that another party is responsible, please contact experienced personal injury attorneys who understand how train accidents can disrupt and damage your life and fight aggressively to recover the maximum compensation that you need to move on.